Meeting called to order at 7:35PM.
Roll call showed a quorum.
Clubs not present: Baltimore Football Club and Eastern Panhandle.
Minutes are approved from the last meeting.
Presidents Report:
Welcome to all the new club reps. Club reps are the direct link between teams and clubs. All are urged to read the rules and procedures manual.
Still have no Va. ODP administrator for the northern district. Anyone interested please fax their name and adress to the NCSL office. This is for age groups U13 and above.
The schedules that will be distributed do have some mistakes. Please check carefully your teams schedules. Club reps should fax or e-mail to Kathleen problems and mistakes. We will be using a new program in the spring designed by Jay Baker that will hopefully alleviate the problem.
As reported last time, VYS has passed a rule for double rostering for one tournament play only. Each league is to govern their own league select roster. We do have a team that has requested to put a team together for Thanksgiving.
Some of the pluses are:
- Could have a strong, highly competitive team to go to tournament with a lot of college coaches watching.
- Teams wanting to travel longer distances often have trouble getting enough players to go.
- Can be viewed as a recruiting tool.
- Who should put these together? Should the league have a responsibility for choosing coaches?
It was the consensus of the BOD that the president chair a 4 person committee consisting of: President of NCSL, Md Commissioner, Va. Commissioner and a Va. registrar to work through the process with the team and then come back after the tournament and report on how it worked.
Treasurer- Roger Ney:
A balance sheet is distributed. Contact Roger with any questions.
R&D-Ray Greenberg:
There is a letter in every packet with a list of the sitouts owed from the last 2 seasons. Sitouts do travel with a coach or player but points do not carry over from the previous season. Tournament cards do not count.
Scorekeeper-Carol Baker:
Division scorekeepers have had schedules mailed to them with the execption of the U10's. Please be sure the team # is on the blue card. This is also a communication link for the game coverage for referees. Please have teams report coverage with their scores.
New Business:
Move to accept the motion submitted by Duncan Wainwright on the amendment to NCSL Rules and Procedures Manual to implement recommendations of rescheduling committee. Motion was seconded and passed with the following changes:
- #2 section C change 14 days to 7.
#2 section F becomes E
#2 section E becomes #5 and moves to the bottom.
A corrected copy of the amendment is included with these minutes.
Va. Registrar-Cheri Hayes:
Thanks to all the Va. registrars. Club reps please police teams closely to ensure that all deadlines are met. Next year the deadlines will be firm and the registrars will not guarantee processing.