NCSL Annual Meeting and Elections - June 22, 2000

Meeting called to order at 9:20PM.
Roll call from BOD meeting showed a quorum. 
Clubs not present: Arundel, Falls Church, Loudoun, Little River, Manassas, Mid-County, Soccer Club of Baltimore, and Washington Soccer Club.
Motion to approve the minutes of the last meeting is made and passed.
Motion to approve all the actions of the Board of Directors and Officers since the last AGM meeting. 
Motion made by Laurel, seconded by Southwestern.
Motion passes.
Meeting is turned over to Jim Ferguson. All the officers positions are up. 
The slate is as follows:
President- Jeff Skigan
Vice-President- Jim Yacobi
Secretary- Anne Maynes
Treasurer- Roger Ney.
Nominations from the floor are open.
Motion made by Damascus, seconded by Braddock Rd.
Motion: To approve the slate as listed,
Motion passes.
Meeting adjourned at 9:25PM.