
NCSL Board of Directors Meeting- May 14, 2001

Meeting called to order at 7:30PM.

Roll call shows a quorum.

Clubs not present: Bowie, Calverton, Chantilly, D.C. Stoddert, Falls Church, Fauquier, Herndon, Potomac, Reston, Severna Park, Soccer Club of Baltimore, Springfield, Thunder, Virginia Blackwatch, and VISTA.

Minutes are approved from the last meeting.

President's Report: There is growing concern about social security numbers on game cards because they go through the mail and are therefore available to everyone. From the R&D perspective, it serves as the player number but we could move to some alternative like the last four digits. Motion made by Fort Washington, seconded by Seneca. To modify the player identification number listed on the NCSL Game Card as follows: "If the identification numbers is the player's social security number, it may be shortened to the last four digits if desired to protect the player's privacy. If the identification number is a special number assigned by the team registrar (in accordance with state association procedures), the full number must be used." Motion passes.

The USYSA will vote in July on whether or not to impose a $.50 increase in player dues. It could be made effective immediately.
The budget will be distributed electronically. This will probably not be included. We may have to come back to the clubs for more money.

R&D Ray Greenberg- Good season until this weekend. The mid-season report will be posted sometime this week.

Md. Registrar-Mike Basilio- The plans are to get the materials ready early. He hopes to bring materials to the end of season meeting. There are some changes in the computer program.

Va. Registrar- Gloria Gallagher- In the process of putting together a meeting for training on the new roster pro.

Scorekeeper-Carol Baker- If scores and standings are not updated, sometimes scores aren't phoned in. Still keeping track of referees, but not yellow cards.

Motion made by Bethesda, seconded by Freestate.
The motion is to modify Section II F.2.b.(2) of the NCSL Rules and Procedures Manual to add the words "or middle school" after the words "high school" throughout that section.
Motion passes

Player Development-John Ellis-Have been with the NCSL for twenty years, we need to increase parent education. He is willing to do a presentation at a U9 parents meeting for any child considering coming into travel soccer and talk about what will happen in player development and go into parent behavior. The way that parents and players perform is a club function.

Md. Commissioner-Ron Siler- 80% of phone calls have to do with scheduling problems. Commissioners must be sympathetic but cannot change the schedules. Please don't call for things that they cannot change.

New Business:

2001-2001 Calendar
Motion made by Damascus, seconded by SAC. Motion to accept calendar with the following changes- date for entry materials being due changes from June 14 to June 21, January 15 becomes January 5 for the date spring entries are mailed, January 24 fees are due, February 15 fields are due. Motion passes. One of the problems with the calendar is that fields are due before the county releases the fields. For scheduling purposes the date must stay the same. They must have the fields in before they can run the schedule. It is better to have the fields and then fix the few changes. Must have flexibility in the system because clubs do get fields changed on them.

Motion made by Little River, seconded by Southwestern. The motion is on changes to Sit-out procedures. Section V, paragraph G4 will now read: A player sitting out a game may attend the game, but must not be in uniform, must not be on the team sideline, and must not assist in any function related to the game. Section V, paragraph G5 will now read: A coach or team official serving a sit-out is encouraged not to attend the game at all. If a coach or team official does attend, however, he must not be closer to the playing field than 100 yards beginning 30 minutes before game time, and must remain not closer to the playing field than 100 yards until 30 minutes after the game is over. This period of time is defined as "the sit out period." During this "sit out period" a coach or team official must not be involved in any way with administration of the team at the game site, either directly, or indirectly. Use of walkie talkies, cell phones, or any other method of communication by the coach to communicate with the team is strictly forbidden. The fact that a game can be seen from a public street or sidewalk, which may be closer than 100 yards, does not relieve the coach or team official from complying with the 100-yard rule. Motion passes.

Old Business:

Report from small-sided committee-Jim Ferguson, Chairman
As a result of a motion passed at the last meeting, Jeff Skigen appointed a committee of seven persons and charged it to: 1. Review the issues associated with implementing small-sided play for the NCSL U11 and U12 age groups. 2. Recommend a course of action for the league to take regarding U11 and U12 small-sided play. The members of the committee were: Julie True-BRYC Club Representative, Phillippe Bruno-Alexandria Club Representative, Len Oliver-Member of USSF and VYSA Halls of Fame, DC Stoddert Director of Coaching, Arlene Rodway-SAC Representative, Larry Dunn-Team America Coach and President, Peter Thorp-Potomac Coach, Jim Ferguson-Chairman The committee discussed a wide range of issues, and have the following recommendation: The committee is unanimous in its position that,even though a considerable degree of difficulty would be involved, the league could implement U11 and U12 small-sided play if it determined to do so. By a vote of 4-2, with the Chair not voting, the committee recommends that NCSL not unilaterally institute small-sided play for the U11 and U12 age groups. The majority of those opposed to unilateral action by NCSL feel the league should not adopt small-sided play for these age groups unless and until such play is mandated, at a minimum, on a state-wide basis by VYSA and MSYSA. One committee member feels strongly that even state-wide mandates would be inappropriate. By a vote of 5-1, the committee recommends that the president of NCSL be directed to request that VYSA and MSYSA mandate small-sided play for at least the U11 age group By unanimous vote, the committee recommends that the president of NCSL introduce a motion with the VYSA Board to propose a USYSA rule change, to be considered at the next AGM, to nationally mandate small-sided play for at least the U11 age group. Minority report can be accessed by

Motion made by Alexandria, seconded by CSC.
Motion that NCSL accept the report of the committee.
Motion passes.
Thanks from Jeff Skigen to Jim Ferguson and committee.

Need members for the nominating committee. Contact 202-726-3834 or The slate is not limited to one person at any position.

Step in AR training will be June 16 and 17.

Request to have NCSL produce one copy per club of the NCSL Rules and Procedure manual to be handed out at the fall preseason meeting.

Remember that field directions are the responsibility of the club reps.

Winchester is sponsoring a Father's Day tournament.

Meeting adjourned at 9:10PM.