
August 29, 2002
NCSL Board of Directors' Meeting




The meeting was called to order at 7:30PM.


Roll call showed a quorum.  Clubs not present: Burtonsville, Crofton, Eastern Panhandle, Great Falls, Prince William and Washington Soccer.


There is a correction to the minutes from June 20, 2002.  The motion to extend the application of league play for Burke on a one time basis was made by Springfield, not CSA.  Minutes are approved with the above correction.


In your packets there is a flyer from BC/BS.  In return for their sponsorship for US Youth Soccer they ask that we pledge not to drink, do drugs, etc.  Please take the flyers, give them to your teams and ask them to sign them and return them.


We had 100% participation for our mandatory meeting and 100% participation from the parents of the two teams that missed the meeting last year.  Our first three questions were all about referees and in fact this concern about referees became the theme of the meeting.  When you as club reps meet with your U9 and U10 teams, remind them that they will get our youngest, least experienced referees.  Ask them please to be kind so that we can keep them.


USYS is talking about extending small-sided.  The recommendation has been made that U6 play 3v3, U8 play 4v4, and U10 play 6v6.  What was passed was a recommendation that states look at these requirements, not a requirement at this time.  No change in play for the U11 and U12 group at this time.


Capital Cup applications are due next week.  You can register on-line.  No grace period. We have a good group of applications at this point.  Please remind you U17 and U19 teams to get their applications in early.  We need volunteers for the Capital Cup.  Send an e-mail to Louise Wexler.  There will be 64 teams, with about 300 colleges represented and games will be played at the Soccerplex in Maryland.


As of tonight, we have one team that has not submitted their names for SIAR.  If in fact, they do not comply, they will not play this season.


Washington Soccer Club forgot one team, a U12 team which they forgot to register.  They have requested that they be allowed to play in the spring and that their division be determined in structure rather than having to go on the wait list or re-enter at division 6.

Motion:  That the Washington Internationals of the Washington Soccer Club U12 team be allowed to return to the NCSL in the spring, the structure committee shall determine placement, the club will be fined $100.00.

Motion made by Herndon.

Motion passes. 


Super Y league is a league of youth teams put together as the bottom-level of a pyramid leading to a pro team.  They are not affiliated with USYS but are affiliated with USSF.  They are billing themselves as a way for players to be seen.   Anyone who will pay them $1200. will be accepted into this league.  There is no promise of games, etc.   USYS and Region 1 believe that his may become a threat to the better teams.  The NCSL has been asked to look at some sort of premier league.  We will put together a small committee to look into this.  If you have interest in this and some experience. Jeff would like to have some qualified volunteers e-mail him.


Roger Ney-Treasurer- We closed the end of the fiscal year at end of June.  Will have a report at the next meeting.


Ray Greenberg-R&D= The new Rules and Procedures manual is on the web-site.  Please encourage your teams to download it.  Sit-outs are also posted on the web-site.


Kathleen Sessions-Administrator- Our scorekeepers are all set for the fall season.  You will get packets tonight with materials to hand out to your teams.  We had some drops after the assignors had the schedules so if your team has a bye, that is why.  Please carefully follow the rules for Bull Run, Occoquan and Soccerplex.   Demosphere has agreed to put a new link on the home page to take teams to the contact pages so that club administrators should not give out their password to the teams.  If you have given yours out, please contact Kathleen immediately.  The field loading on the club rep division schedule page tells them if they have take down and set up.  We do not want teams going into the field loading schedule.  You should be able to see schedules tonight after the meeting.


Club reps please schedule at least one meeting a season with your teams, go over rules, rain-out procedures, game cards, etc.


John Ellis-Consultant on Player Development-It is exciting that at the U9 and U10 age groups we are able to see benefits of that program.  Suddenly, we are not talking about our teenagers.  There are always a certain amount of players that are seeking that higher level.  People will drive to find higher levels of play.  You only become a good player by playing with other good players.  NCSL always wants to stimulate soccer development but has always said that this is the responsibility of the clubs.  Think development within your club, we need some concentration on our older players.


Tragic events of one year ago (09/11/2001) will be observed worldwide this coming month.  Last September 11, we all witnessed the horror of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon.  Our prayers and thoughts go with those who were lost by this senseless act of violence and to the families left behind.  Our prayers, thoughts, and gratitude also go to those unbelievably brave individuals-firefighters, police officers, medical technicians, military personnel, airplane passengers, and others unknown to us- who risked their lives so that others might be saved.

Also last September, SRA Scott Meyer authorized referees the option to wear a 2 inch by 3 inch American flag on the left shoulder by referees.

Whereas the NCSL does not have language prohibiting players or coaches from wearing an American flag patch.  And whereas the USSF does allow such a patch to be worn by national teams, the following Special Motion is submitted for consideration.


Motion:  That commencing with the Fall 2002 season. NCSL encourages players and coaches the option to wear a two inch by three inch or comparable size American flag patch on the left sleeve on the official team’s uniform.

Motion made by Springfield.

Amendment: that somewhere on the uniform the date Sept. 11 be put.

Amendment dies for lack of a second.

Motion passes.


Meeting adjourned at 9:50PM.