

May 13, 2002
NCSL Board of Directors Meeting


NCSL Board of Directors Meeting-May 13, 2002


The meeting was called to order at 7:35PM.

Roll call showed a quorum.  Clubs not present: Baltimore Football, Columbia Soccer, Eastern Panhandle,  Falls Church, Gunston, Manassas, Reston, Savage and Waldorf.


Minutes were approved from the last meeting.


President’s Report:  Yesterday there was difficulty in the coverage of the games by referees.  The National team game, Maryland State Cup and Mother’s Day combined to create a problem.  Up until this last Sunday, all had gone well.  A proposal for small-sided games is on the agenda for the USYSF.  He does not anticipate anything happening in the next year.

 Jim Ferguson has again agreed to chair the nominating committee.  Please get in touch with him if you are interested in running for office.  His phone number is 202-726-3834 and e-mail is  Officers should not be getting e-mails on items that the club reps. should handle. Club reps should have a least two face to face meeting with your coaches each year and include team managers


Roger Ney-Treasurer’s Report- There are some budget changes.  There is a change in the web-page cost, but the major change is a increase in pay for the referees and assistant referees per game.  The postage cost is that we pay  bulk rate for game cards, etc.

Motion:  To accept the budget as presented.

Motion made by Herndon.

Motion passes


Step-in AR’s- in the first weekend of play U12 were covered about 75% of games, approx. 15 % in U13 games.  The feedback has been positive.  Do we want to continue the program at U14? Do we want to continue to make it mandatory.  Discussion follows.


Motion- To drop the penalty clause that results in the program being mandatory, so that teams are not dropped if they do not comply.

Motion made by Springfield.

Motion fails.


Motion- To continue the SIAR program as is, give the SIAR’s the option of volunteering in the U14 age group.  It would be totally voluntary at the U14 age group.

Motion made by SAC.

Motion passes.


Ray Greenberg-R&D- R & D page on website is up to date.  If games are terminated by weather, they must be played in their entirety, cards do count. 


Kathleen Sessions-Administrator- Will give out packets tonight for the fall 2002.  The big change is that we will have on-line registration this year for the teams.  Need team numbers on the payment form.  Club reps. print checklist off and turn in with fees.  Club membership form is also submitted electronically.


Jay Baker of Demosphere then presented the new web site and the new on-line registration.


New Business-

Motion is to change the number of teams dropped at the end of each season to 3 at the end of each rather than 2 at the end of the Fall season and 4 at the end of Spring season.  This would take affect for the Fall 2002 season

Motion made by SWYA.

Motion passes.


Motion B is dropped.


Ray Greenberg presented a completed application for the Chantilly Youth Association to join the NCSL  Recommendation is to accept them as a club.

Motion- To accept the Chantilly Youth Association as a club in the NCSL.

Motion passes


Jim Fraze has resigned as registrar and new club application chair.  Need volunteers for the new club applications committee.  There is a packet that they complete, then committee people go out, see the fields, talk to the new club representatives.  Volunteers are the club reps from Springfield, Herndon and Frederick.


Motion to accept the calendar as presented and discussed.

Motion made by Olney.

Without objection we will remove the Oct. 1 motions and the Oct.15 meeting,

Without objection we will put an end of the season meeting, usually about a week after Nov. 10.  We will give out packets for the spring at the end of that meeting in November.  No January 6 packets mailed.

Motion passes.


The suggestion was made and approved to change the name of the division co-ordinator to Division  Scorekeeper and the Age Group Scorekeeper to Age Group Co-ordinator.


Louise Waxler is the new Director for the Capital Cup.


There is a problem with the ODP program and its disruption to the NCSL game schedule.  Must be changed at the state level by the clubs at the meeting.


Meeting adjourned at 10:00PM.