NCSL BOD Meeting - 11/14/06
NCSL Board Meeting
November 14, 2006
Meeting was called to order at 7:32 pm. Roll call indicated the following clubs were not in attendance: Arundel, Baltimore Bays, Crofton, Fauquier, Manassas Area Travel Teams, Severna Park, Westminster Wolves, and Winchester. Roll call further indicated Manassas, Severna Park and Westminster have missed 2 consecutive meetings.
Seeing and hearing no objections, the minutes from the August 31, 2006 meeting were approved by unanimous consent.
MD Commissioner (Claire Filemyr) – A copy of the HS-age team form is included in the Spring registration materials packet you will receive tonight. Also available online. Reminder: rules stipulate all HS-age teams are required to complete the form and submit. Structure Committee can only approximate these team’s records, if not included, and the approximation will not equal actual team accomplishments. Attach extra sheets, if necessary to complete. Tournaments good to include. Please be sure to put down team number, and club name.
Question from Member: Do you really check all players to determine if there are duplicate players on rosters? Answer from Claire: Yes.
Additional information supplied by MD Registrar, Mike Basileo: Structure Committee meets before all rosters are finalized for season, so be sure to enter player information, as required.
VA Commissioner (Lucy Jennings) – no report.
MD Registrar (Mike Basileo) – Maryland still working on new database system. Appreciates everyone’s patience. If you have questions, please check with your Club Rep first. If Club Rep is unable to answer, then ask him.
VA Registrar (Lisa Wilson) – Sent email today informing all teams that VA registrars will be on vacation from December 8 through January 5, 2007. CHAN and CYA have new assigned registrar. Apologies to these clubs for any difficulties they may have experienced last season.
R&D (Gary Grosicki) – no report
Additional information supplied by NCSL President, Ray Greenberg: R&D has been very good at getting clubs to handle issues. VA Adjudication Committee had one recent issue of alleged referee abuse committed by an NCSL player. The Committee found that referee abuse had occurred and suspended the player for one year.
Administrator (Kathleen Sessions) – Trophies have been ordered and will be shipped from the vendor. MapQuest links are now available for all field locations, so please check these links for accuracy. If field has no permanent address, it has been suggested that a nearby fixed address can be substituted to insure maps are correct. Spring ’07 registration materials should be pick-up as you leave. They are due at the next regular BOD meeting on January 11, 2007. Teams that use NVRPA fields (Bull Run and Occoquan) will have extra line-item for fees. Wait List applications should be emailed through the holidays, rather than faxed.
Question from Member: Do you need original? Answer from Kathleen: No.
Secretary (Gina Clapp) – no report
Treasurer (Anne Maynes) – no report
Vice President (Debi Honaker) – no report
President (Ray Greenberg) – Referee coverage: Many thanks to Lucy for collecting data. She has done an outstanding job compiling this information each week. She has stayed on top of it all, so again, thank you. Coverage has been exceptional this season. Last season, there were some shortages in Maryland in certain areas (CASRA), but no longer. Of the 1819 games scheduled, 48 games had no report. 188 games reported less than full coverage and there were only 54 games where only the CR worked the game. 24 games reported no referees at all, but these were played with a volunteer or were simply rescheduled. Coverage at the U12, U13 and U14 was best coverage of all age groups, thanks to our STARs. There are still some ongoing issues with the program, but we’re working to resolve these and the program continues to improve.
Ray also reported that he and Kathie Diapoulis (WAGS President) met with MSYSA officials. MD brought to their attention that BBSL may have been hurt by increase in referee fees undertaken by NCSL and WAGS last fall. MD is working to coordinate referee coverage in all areas since some areas of the state report shortages and others report no shortage. The meeting was good and it opened lines of communication with MD. Ben Neal (MSYSA President) has always been easy to work with and NCSL is appreciative of his efforts.
Workshops are up coming in both states: MSYSA is scheduled for January 27 and 28, 2007 and VYSA is scheduled for February 9 and 10, 2007.
NCSL officers held a round table discussion last winter that was open to all Club Reps. Session was good and well attended. If anyone is interested in participating in another session this winter, please let us know.
Question from Member: Getting back to the use of Bull Run and Occoquan, set up fees turned out to be expensive and more than usage fees. Clubs need to know the cost in advance of games. Response from Ray: We didn’t know early, either. We’re working to get information as early as possible. The $25.00 fee will remain the same and the rest is undetermined, at present.
New Business
Item 1
Ray stated that several motions regarding field and goal size for Fall 2007 small-sided play had been made. The Executive Committee reviewed these motions and has offered a compromise motion. As a result of the compromise motion, two of the three motions were withdrawn. The third was tabled pending outcome of compromise motion. LAUR moved to accept the compromise motion and LOUD seconded.
Compromise motion presented by the NCSL Executive Committee reads as follows:
“Motion on field and goal size:
The field and goal sizes would be as follows:
Width Length Goal size
45-50 70-75 6x18 or 7x21
Width Length Goal size
50-60 75-85 6x18 or 7x21
Allows for maximum club flexibility in setting up fields and goals for the small sided games. If a club wants to provide only one field size for both age groups, there is overlap in the width and length dimensions. If a club wants to provide 2 different field sizes, the club could have a smaller field for U9/U10 and a larger field for U11/U12.”
BETH offered an amendment to the motion: Eliminate 7x21 goals and use only 6x18 goals. Calverton seconded. Discussion: One goal size is easier, more consistent with NCSL and WAGS requirements in the past. Third goal size is added and unnecessary expense to club. Question: What size goal will State Cup prescribe at U12? Answer from Ray: Probably 6x18, but not certain. NCSL will recommend being consistent with State Cup. USYS recommends smaller goals. PSWI added that they have 7x21 goals already installed on their turf fields and recommends flexibility. WALD added they have situation as PWSI and size is controlled by the County, so they, too, prefer flexibility. CAL added that 8x24 goals are too big for younger players and recommends one size for all small-sided play.
Vote called for amendment. Amendment carries.
Discussion on original motion, as amended, resumed. Additional amendment offered and was seconded but no discussion followed. On vote, the second amendment failed.
Vote called on original motion, as amended. Motion carried.
Third motion, tabled earlier, was withdrawn by maker (BETH).
Item 2
STAR motion presented by maker (FPYC).
Motion reads as follows:
“Motion on STAR requirements:
The first 2 requirements of the STAR program will be modified as follows:
1) Each team must identify three (3) legitimate STARs prior to the beginning of the each season. The deadline for the Spring season will be March 1, and the deadline for the Fall season will be August 1. Teams who have not complied with this requirement will be subject to the removal of games from league play, on a week by week basis, until such time that they are deemed to be in compliance. Games removed for this reason will be recorded as forfeits against a non-compliant team and a score of (3-0) will be awarded to their opponent.
2) STARs must be certified referees in USSF Grades 12, 9, 8 or 7. Individuals identified by their team prior to the deadline may be currently certified or committed to becoming certified prior to the season in which they are entered.
Provides appropriate consequence for non-compliance to ensure teams meet the requirement to provide STARs.”
Motion was seconded by OLNY. Brief discussion followed. Motion called to vote. Motion carried.
Item 3
New Club Admissions Committee: Chair (Russ Horn) presented facts regarding EPIC application to play in NCSL and moved to accept the club. OLNY seconded.
Question: Will EPIC have games that are scheduled in West Virginia? Answer: No. Question: How many miles distant are their fields? Answer: They will play on WINN fields, so no team will travel any farther than is currently prescribed. Motion called to vote. Motion carried.
STAR Coordinator, John Davis, reminded everyone that STARs who were certified before August 1, 2006 (those with a 2005-06 badge) would need to recertify before the beginning of the Spring 2007 season. He also stated that a list of up coming classes and locations are listed on the NCSL website, via link on STAR page, and now is the time to sign-up.
With that, motion was made to adjourn meeting and seconded.
Meeting adjourned at 9:05 pm.
Respectfully submitted:
Debi Honaker
Acting Secretary