
NCSL BOD Meeting - 5/7/07

NCSL Board Meeting   


The meeting was called to order at 7:32PM.  Roll call indicated the following clubs were not in attendance:  Chantilly Soccer Club, DC Stoddert, La Plata, Lee-Mount Vernon, Loudoun, and Vienna.

Seeing and hearing no objections, the minutes for the March 22, 2007 meeting were approved by unanimous consent.


·MD Commissioner (Claire Filemyr) – PCA meeting have been set up and dates are will be posted online.   A listing of all coaches, including dates on which each was certified, will be posted on our website.  Coaches who have been certified for only one year will be denoted by red font.

·VA Commissioner (Maureen Dalbec) – No report.

·MD Registrar (Mike Basileo) – Work continues on the new database system, with the Try Out section being the main component under construction.  For the Fall 2007 season, roster instructions will be updated to include the submission of an additional roster by each team.  These extra rosters will be, in turn, submitted by MD Registrars to the league, via Kathleen.

·VA Registrar (Lisa Wilson) – Lisa expressed her thanks to everyone for the cards, flowers, and other items she received while recovering from surgery.  Virginia team can find roster supplies on the table, alongside League envelopes.

·R&D (Gary Grosicki) – No report.

·Administrator (Kathleen Sessions) – Season progressing.  League registration materials are available.  Please collect your club’s envelope before leaving.

·Nominations Committee (Howard Kohn, Chair) – Nominations for League office are now open.  Elections for the offices of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer will be held on June 21, 2007 at the Annual General Meeting.  All those interested in running for office, please contact Howard to add your name to the ballot.

·Secretary (Gina Clapp) – No report. 

·Treasurer (Anne Maynes) – No report.

·Vice President (Debi Honaker) – New Club Application Committee reports no applications to be presented at this time.

·President (Ray Greenberg) – The League will help support referee training.  NCSL will provide $250.00 to each club who offers a class.

The League will also support clubs who offer PCA training to their teams.  Support will be limited to a maximum of $15.00 per attendee; however the League will cap its contribution at $600.00.  All primary coaches of League teams must attend a PCA workshop session.

Question from Member:  Who will be allowed to attend PCA workshops that NCSL will subsidize?  Answer:  WAGS and NCSL coaches and parents. 

On April 14, 2007, League officers met to review our current finances.  The League is financially sound and sufficient checks and balances exist to prevent any mishandling of funds.

Requests have been received to email notices, instead of snail mailing.  As a result, Kathleen will discontinue this practice.  Moving forward, all meeting materials will be sent via email.

Question from Member:  Regarding Fall materials, what is estimated cost of use for Bull Run and Occoquan fields?  Answer:  Set up fee is estimated to be $65.00 and game cost is estimated at $25.00 per game.

Referee report from Lucy Jennings – Not everyone reports, but coverage percentage is very good.  Please remind teams that there is no need to request referee name, or other information while on the field.  These actions can be perceived as hostile.

In additional discussion, it was suggested that TSL should make contact with the referee prior to start of game.  The League will continue to make efforts to make Assignors aware as to the role of the STAR, since role seems to remain unclear in some instances.

Question from Member:  Are all referees aware of the new interpretation of the off sides rule?  Answer:  Yes.

For the Good of the Game

Question from Member:  What is the League’s position on teams who left NCSL to play in other leagues, but then ask to return?  Answer:  They’re accepted.    Q:  How are they reintroduced into Structure?  A:  In U15 and older age groups, no position is guaranteed.  We placed them where they are most competitive in the same manner as HS-age teams who sit out.

Question from Member:  Has NCSL considered changing their website similar to ODSL’s recent changes?  Discussion followed.

Question from Member to the VA Registrar:  Do we have a replacement for Andrea since we understand she will not return in the Fall?  Answer:  Registrar changes will be made during the summer and teams will be notified after that time.

With that, a motion was made to adjourn the meeting and was seconded.

Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted:

Debi Honaker

Acting Secretary