

NCSL Board Meeting

Westin Hotel, Falls Church, VA

June 18, 2012


Ray Greenberg called the meeting to order at 7:30PM.


Roll call indicated the following clubs were not present: Bethesda, Capital Futebol, Chantilly Youth,

Fairfax, SAC,  Severna Park and Team America.



Claire Filemyr – Maryland

Monies owed for PCA fines from spring season, those team’s fall season registration will not be submitted until check has been received.   PCA for fall season workshop info is up please have your coaches register ahead of time. Keep checking the website for the final scheduled dates.


Maureen Dalbec – Virginia – No Report



Lisa Wilson – Virginia – player passes and team envelopes are on the back table. Database up June 1. Teams must do their kid safe: clubs must register kid safe before the teams can begin registration


Last year’s player pass card stock is no longer valid – Encourage teams to upload the photos. Instructions will be sent to all leagues but instructions are also on the VYSA website.


On back of the pass there is a line. It has nothing to do with VA teams. July 14 is the date for the training of new managers, club reps and anyone else that would like to attend.


Club reps must continue to verify packets before they go to the registrars.


Mike Basileo – Maryland – Emailed club Administrators letting them know they can update their Club information for fall registration. The club needs to set up and then the system will be ready for teams to begin their steps. Turn on will be June 22nd.


Maryland will be using the same player card as VYSA. Mike is trying to get the player cards ready for distribution at the Maryland AGM this weekend. Mike will distribute enough to cover 17 to 18 teams. 


R&D Chair

Barry Finkelstein - not present - Ray Greenberg gave Barry’s report. Barry has watched multiple games during the spring season.   Suggest that coaches and parents go out and watch a game they are not vested in (no player on team) see how tough it is for the ref.


Ray commented that Barry tries his best to resolve problems informally by working through the Club Reps. 

Barry reported several protest were filed this season but those were unsuccessful protests. 


There are 500 refs registered in the NCSL online game reporting system.






Kathleen Sessions – Reported the trophies are on their way. All have been order and should arrive shortly. They will be shipped directly to teams, if the Manager’s address is a PO Box, the will then be shipped to the coach. 


The High school age teams (U15 – U19) should be reminded to fill out the High School Team information form. These forms are due July 6th, so they can assist the NCSL structure committee when setting structure. These forms are to be filled out by all High School age teams. Kathleen will email the form to each Club Rep and they in turn can distribute to your U15-U19 teams.


Please remember to hand in your Clubs registration forms before leaving the meeting tonight.



Ray Greenberg


Four Virginia teams and 4 Maryland teams won their State’s President Cup. These teams went onto attended the Regional President Cup tournament.   We also have 2 teams that won State Cup. NCSL will award both the President and State Cup winners $500 to attend Regional Championship Series.


Club pass motion – Frederick FC made the motion. Motion was second by Lisa Wilson.


Club Pass for U11 through U19 Teams Motion

Title: Motion to add the club pass rule for U11 through U19 teams


The effect of this would be that all age groups in the league would be able to use the

Club Pass

Current wording:

US Youth Soccer carded players rostered on U9 and U10 teams are permitted to play on any

U9 or U10 team within their Club and will be considered club pass players. The players must be

of the correct age. Players that use the club pass may only play for one NCSL team per day.

Teams are allowed to have an unlimited number of club pass players per game.

Revised wording:

US Youth Soccer carded players rostered on U9 and U10 teams are permitted to play on any

U9 or U10 team within their Club and will be considered club pass players. The players must be

of the correct age. Players that use the club pass may only play for one NCSL team per day.

Teams are allowed to have an unlimited number of club pass players per game.

Added/New wording:

Effective Fall 2012,

Club Pass for the U11 - U19 age groups

US Youth Soccer carded players are permitted to play on any team within their club for

which they are age qualified. Players using the club pass may only play in one NCSL

game per day unless the team they are officially rostered to has multiple games

scheduled on a single day. In this case they may play in as many games as that team is

scheduled to play. Club pass players may not play for a team in the same or lower

division than the team they are officially rostered to. This includes players that may be

age qualified for a certain age group but are rostered and “playing up” on another team.

For example, any U13 team is considered to be of a lower division than any U14 team.

Therefore, a player rostered on a U14 team may not play “down” on on the club’s U13

team even though they may be age qualified. This applies across all age groups.

The number of club pass players shall be a maximum of 5. The game day roster is still

restricted to the maximum allowed in each age group. All other roster restrictions apply

(for example, the number of underage players per team)

A player is not eligible to use a club pass to play with another team on the day he is

serving a suspension for a red card, accumulated points or a sit-out imposed by a Rules

& Discipline decision.

A player primary rostered to a premier league team (for example National League,

Region I Premier League, Colonial League, or VCCL) is considered a division 1 player

and cannot use club pass to play on an NCSL team in their same age group.


This allows clubs to determine the most appropriate level of play for more of their

players, furthering player development.


Maker of the motion sent out an amendment to the motion.

Amendment second by Maureen Dalbec .


Discussion: amendment failed.


DC Stoddert made a motion for an amendment to strike VCCL from the list of premier leagues.

Motion was second by Lisa Wilson.


Amendment failed.


Vote was then called on the original motion.

Motion failed.


Ray commented that this is his last NCSL meeting. He stated that he has enjoyed his many years of volunteering and how he enjoyed working with all those involved in running the NCSL. He will miss that daily contact with the friends he has made at the NCSL.


Richard Smith awarded Ray Greenburg with a plaque to show NCSL’s appreciation for Ray’s many years of dedication to the league and youth soccer.


Meeting was adjourned by unanimous consent at 8:30PM.



Minutes respectfully submitted by Regina Clapp – NCSL Secretary