June AGM

June AGM

NCSL Annual General Meeting (AGM)


The NCSL AGM was called to order by the President, Richard Smith at 7:30PM.


Roll call indicated that the following clubs were not present: Westminster Wolves.


The minutes from the June 21, 2012 AGM are corrected in the sentence: Since neither officer’s position is being uncontested, uncontested in changed to contested.  The sentence will now read:  Since neither officer’s position is being contested….

Minutes for the June 21, 2012 AGM were approved.


A motion was made by VISTA to approve all actions of the board of directors , officers and executive committee since the last AGM.  The motion was seconded by Takoma Park.  Motion was passed.


Election of Officers:

Richard Smith read the list of confirmed nominees:

Treasurer :Anne Maynes

Vice-President: Stephanie Dorah and Dave Noyes


A motion was made to elect Anne Maynes , Treasurer.

Motion passed.


Each candidate for Vice-President was then given the chance to speak to the club members and the opportunity was presented for questions to either candidate.

The vote was then done by paper ballot.  The new VP is Stephanie Dorah.

With no objection, the ballots were destroyed.

Motion to adjourn by VISTA, seconded by Ft. Washington.

Meeting adjourned.