

NCSL Board Meeting

March 19, 2015

Westin Hotel


The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM.


Roll call indicated that the following clubs were not in attendance: Annandale, Barca, Fairfax Police, La Plata, Olney, and Washington Soccer Club.


A motion was made to approve the minutes of the Nov. 10 meeting.  Motion approved.



Administrator: Kathleen Sessions-Schedules will be posted online next Thursday, a week from today.  The fields are really tight.  I am trying to get everyone at least 4 home games, sometimes can’t. 

Packets are here.

Sideline passes are online.  Sit-out cards can also be printed from online. 

You will have an initial period after the schedule comes out to change the schedule.  Both club reps have to sign the form.  During the regular season you can also change the schedule but must be done by Tues, at 5PM prior to the regularly scheduled weekend game.  Please try to avoid single games, it is hard to get referees.  It is also bad to create a gap in games of 3.  Keeping games as they are scheduled is helpful.


VA Commissioner-Maureen Dalbec-  Tonight is our last in person PCA class, you will have to take it online.  MSC is hosting one on the 26th, check the website.


MD Registrar-Mike Basileo-Registration for Cup play must be in by March 24.


VA Registrar-Lisa Wilson-Lisa has resigned effective at the end of the season.


R&D-Alan Paez-We encourage referee feedback which anyone can do.  This program is to help the referee program referee itself.  Hopefully, struggling referees will get some assistance.  The form can be found at

Check sit-out list.  Make sure everyone listed knows they must sit-out.  U12 and U13, remind them to put STARS on team page.  Make sure that U12 and older have player names and numbers listed on the roster.

The forms to document a sit-out are online.  Fill them out, have the opposing coach/team manager sign it, scan the form and send it to us, then keep the hard copy so that you have a copy.


President-Richard Smith-there are 4 ways to incur a fine in NCSL:  not attending the new team meeting, coach not attending PCA, not having certified STARS, and not putting numbers on rosters for U12 and older.  Please do not incur fines.

The new team meeting was a packed room.  You are doing a great job of getting the word out.  Teams are supposed to go through the club reps so that you can monitor the communication.

Fields-There were three clubs that had no home games in first run through of the schedule.   We reached out to them and got their fields.  We had a lot of real restrictions on fields and game times from clubs.  One big problem this season was no Saturday fields from some clubs.

Referee-We had an unusual shortage in referees last season.  There is a new grading system and new training module.  There are more games and more leagues.

Our efforts to improve include;

New referee feedback system

Closer co-ordination with the assignors

New referee software from Game Officials

Active recruitment of new referees

Club support and assistance in areas where there is a shortage

Looked closely at referee fees.

WAGS increased their fees significantly over the winter, other leagues often watch and match.  We are falling behind if we do not make the change.

Decided that we could increase fees and match WAGS.



Treasurer-Anne Maynes-Our last budget increase was in the Fall of 2010.  Fall of 2011 was the last referee increase.  The budget presented to you today has an increase in fees, basically of $50.00 for each U12-U19 team.  This increase will cover the increased referee fee, plus the assignor cost.  The increase is $35.00 for U9-U11, again to cover the referee and assignor cost.

Motion to approve the budget for Fall 2015-Spring 2016.

Motion passes unanimously.


President-Richard Smith- Our current NCSL club pass policy is outdated.  It restricts player movement even more than USYSA requires.  For the U11-U19 age groups, we don’t allow any club passes.

After much discussion the following motion was made.

Club Pass




Club Pass U11 - U19 

US Youth Soccer carded players are permitted to play on any team within their club for which they are aged qualified.  Players using the club pass may only play in one NCSL game per day unless the team they are officially rostered to has multiple games scheduled on a single day. In this case they may play in as many games as that team is scheduled to play.

The number of club pass players shall be a maximum of 5. The game day roster is still restricted to the maximum allowed in each age group. All other roster restrictions apply (for example, the number of underage players per team)


Club pass procedure for U11-U19

Club pass players must present their US Youth Soccer travel player pass, copy of the roster of the team they are rostered to as a primary player, and the NCSL club pass form* to their opponent’s team official, either the Team Manager, Coach or Assistant Coach. The club pass player’s name must be added to the team’s game day roster that is shown on the Official Blue Game card. An asterisk (*) must be placed next to the club pass player’s name on the Official Blue Game card. These documents become part of the pre-game check-in


The motion was duly seconded.  Motion passed unanimously.  The following additional motion was made and duly seconded:







Substitutions are unlimited with regard to the number of players and reentry. Substitutions may be made from MIDFIELD with the CONSENT OF THE REFEREE at any stoppage of play. Players leaving the game should come off the field prior to new players entering the field.

Please note that while a penalty kick is a stoppage of play and teams may substitute, only players that were on the field at the time of the infraction may take the kick.


Misapplication of this substitution rule shall not be subject to protest


 Motion passed unanimously.


A request was made for the names of clubs that do not participate in the flex scheduling.  Calverton was the only club not participating at this time.

Motion to adjourn.  Motion passes.  Meeting adjourned.