NCSL BOD Meeting Minutes - 3-27-08

NCSL BOD Meeting Minutes - 3-27-08





NCSL Meeting

Michael Hall

Marshall High School



Ray Greenberg called the meeting to order at 7:30PM.  Roll call indicated the following Clubs were not present:  Washington Soccer Club, Severna Park Athletic Club, and LaPlata Soccer Academy. 


Seeing and hearing no objections, Ray Greenberg asked that the minutes be accepted from the January 10, 2008. Minutes were accepted.



Maureen Dalbec – Virginia Commissioner – No report


Claire Filemyer – Maryland Commissioner – Absent


Two meetings scheduled on April 2nd

  1. The mandatory Administrator’s meeting for teams coming into the league.  Failure to attend will result in a team being billed $250.00.
  2. PCA II meeting is being held the same night here at Marshall High School.  All Coaches must be PCA certified or the coaches can not coach in the NCSL.  The NCSL website has a list of coaches indicating who has been certified and when those certifications are due for renewal. 


Please be sure to check that list.


Mike Basileo - Maryland Registrar – Md. Cup state roster freeze is tonight.  Small sided up to U12 begins in Fall 08.  Kicks Against Cancer Tournament is being held at the Maryland Soccer Plex on April 12th.   Gina Clapp – Secretary also added the first Soccer Mom’s Camp which will be held as part of the tournament beginning at Noon on April 12th.  This camp is being held in honor of Robin Miller – WAGS and Charlotte Moran – Region I Girls ODP Chair. 


Lisa Wilson – Virginia Registrar – Virginia Club Reps please remind your teams if they have to resubmit their roster packets they must come back through their Club Reps. 


Ray Greenberg announced that the R&D Chairman had to step down.  He announced that Lula Bauer has agreed to become the NCSL R&D Chair. 


Lula Bauer – R&D Committee - Lula has been the Chair of the WAGSL R&D committee for the last 8 years and also sits on the VYSA Adjudication Committee.  She was amazed at the number of notations made on game card and the number of cards given to players and coaches.  She will be working with Clubs who have an excessive number of cards. 

The final report of sit outs owed is now posted on the NCSL website.  Please be sure managers, coaches and players are aware of the sit out list.  If they are listed they must sit out the first NCSL game of the season or they will not be in compliance with the rules and Procedure manual of the NCSL.


Kathleen Sessions – Administrator – schedules should be posted by the time we get home tonight. 


Please reiterate to your teams that she tries her best to meet the scheduling requests.


There were 177 schedule requests for coaching conflicts.  It’s just not possible to meet all of the requests.


Bull Run & Occoquan – Those teams using these fields, please be sure to give the teams the combinations for the sheds.  Please remind teams to pick up their trash at these fields and any fields used by NCSL teams.


State Cups – Saturday if you win – the teams can call the office directly from the field.  Call immediately with Sundays NCDSL Game No. if your team wins and the game is scheduled for Sunday.


Anne Maynes – Treasurer – Budget is printed on the front and back of the document.  Fees were raised $25.00 but that is a pass through to pay the registrar.  VYSA fee went up 50 cent per player and that will be reflected in the state fee on the entry fee.

Anne Maynes made the motion to approve the budget.  The motion was second by FRED.  Motion passed.

Gina Clapp – Secretary – no report.


Debi Honaker - VP – absent.


Ray Greenberg – President – Announced Debi Honaker will be serving out the term of the VYSA Secretary who had to step down. 


Since Debi has stepped up to take on this position. VYSA needs someone to take over Debi’s former position as the NCSL Commissioner on the VYSA board.   Looking for a volunteer who is now serving as a NCSL Club Rep or it could also be from an NCSL team.


Ray was approached by Ben Neil President of MSYSA to Chair the MSYSA Adjudication Committee.  Ray accepted this position.



New Business –


Motion #1 submitted by FC Frederick:

Change the format of play for the U9 and U10 age groups from the current 7v7 to 6v6 with a maximum 10 player roster.  Change the U9 and U10 minimum allowable field width to 40 yards and the minimum allowed field length to 60 yards.

Motion was second by McLean.


There was a roll call vote: Motion fails








Motion #2 submitted by FC Frederick:


Extend the non-results oriented play for one season.

The motion was second by Fort Washington.


 The U9 and U10 age groups will form teams for the Fall season.  The Structure for these age groups will be set randomly by the commissioners and officers.


Effective Fall 2008, the NCSL will continue non-results oriented play through the Fall U11 season:

-        No scores or standings will be published for U9, U10 and Fall U11 seasons.

-        Every effort will be made to ensure that teams do not play each other twice during these introductory seasons.

-        For U9 and U10, the structure committee will make every effort to have league play regionalized to minimize travel times.  This depends on the clubs participating and the number of teams each season.  The concept is to have Maryland teams play Maryland teams and Virginia teams play Virginia teams.  However, in some cases, travel times will be lessened by crossing State boundaries.

-        For the Fall U11 age group, teams will be placed in divisions randomly, except for teams in the same Clubs.  Teams from the same club will not be placed in the same division.

-        All other rules of league play remain unchanged.


The motion does not apply to the current U10 teams. These teams will be placed in structure in the Fall 2008 season


Motion carried.


Ray said at our next discussion we will vote on a motion submitted by BETH on increasing the limit of the number of teams per club from two to three for the U9- U12 age groups. 


Meeting adjourned at 8:45PM



Respectfully submitted by Regina Clapp, Secretary NCSL