NCSL BOD Meeting Minutes - 6-19-08

NCSL Board Meeting


Marshall High School

June 19, 2008


Ray Greenberg called the meeting to order at 7:30PM.  Roll call indicated the following clubs were not present: LaPlata, and Westminster Wolves.   

Seeing and hearing no objections, Ray Greenberg asked that the minutes be accepted from the May 5, 2008.   Minutes were accepted.


Maryland Commissioner – Claire Filemyr:  PCA Double goal II was held June 14.  NCSL has scheduled 2 more PCA classes, which will take place prior to the fall ’08 season.  Please remind your coaches if they need to be certified please sign up for one of these classes.


New Administrators meeting is scheduled for August 26, 2008 at 7 PM in Michael Hall – Marshall High School.  As soon as structure is posted and the contact info is opened for updating, the information will be reviewed.  Claire will compile a list of new teams whose attendance is mandatory and notify the Club Reps.  Please forward to those teams that someone must attend this mandatory meeting.  Teams are considered new if they have not played in the NCSL for 2 consecutive seasons.  Those attending the meeting can only represent one team.  If someone manages two teams they must have another person represent the second team.


VA Commissioner – Maureen Dalbec – Remind your teams they are to follow the chain of contact.  Teams MUST go through their Club Rep when contacting the NCSL.  Parents, Managers and Coaches should not be contacting the NCSL directly.


Maryland Registrar – Mike Basileo - The ADG online system was turned on May 9th.  It is now up to the clubs to turn on the 08-09 season.  Player cards will be given out to the Club Reps please forward to your teams.


Virginia Registrar – Lisa Wilson – Club Reps ask your teams to please fill out their NCSL game cards.  Cards are turned in with missing information – game numbers, team numbers which are crucial information.  Club reps pass this information on to your teams to fill out the game cards completely.


R&D – Lula Bauer – Debi Honaker reported for Lula – The R&D Chair is away taking a Coaching Course.  She reported 11 protests had been filed.  Majority of the cases involve language used on the pitch.  The boys need to control what they say on the fields.


Administrator - Kathleen Sessions – Please be sure to hand in your entry forms before leaving tonight.  Trophies for the spring ‘08 season are on their way, they should be received shortly.


Treasurer – Anne Maynes – Reviewed financial statements.

Also reported to her by John Davis, the STAR Cards are due.  Please remind your teams to submit their cards for payment.


President - Ray Greenberg – USYSA – has voted to allow U16 teams to have up to 22 players on their roster beginning this coming fall. 




NCSL & WAGS are considering raising referee fees for the fall season.

One option, CR+$5, AR + $5 each

Message from CSRA – Refs seemed to have fewer problems this year and situations handled by R&D Committee were well handled.  STAR system is working well.


John Davis has provided the STAR training schedule – posted on the web please be sure those who need STAR training do so before the fall season.


Thanks to all who have contributed to the Soccer in Iraq effort.  Donors to soccer in Muthanna, Iraq –

Tim Hoffman, Rixstine Awards

Julie Caramanica, VYSA

Patty Craver, GRFL

Lula Bauer, LMVS

Erin Tesch, VYS

Josh Golog U12 Bethesda player

Diana Greenhalgh ARL


Question to think about at the U9/U 10 age groups – what’s important playing geographic, or playing new teams that may involve some travel.  Some thoughts were to keep the U9 age group geographic since it’s the introduction year to travel soccer.  The U10 travel more for this age group so they aren’t playing the same teams they played at U9.


New Business

New Club application – Team America Premier – Motion to accept the Club as a member of the NCSL – Bethesda second.  Discussion.

Vote – Motion failed (unanimously).


Motion by Frederick FC – Implement Fall 2009 –

Teams will be formed into age groups based upon the birth date of the oldest players.  The maximum number of teams in each age group is 60, except for age groups: A) High school age groups, U15 and above and B) U9, U10, and U11 Fall Season and for any age group that started with more than 60 teams and has not been reduced to 60 teams by the five team per season disqualification rule.


For the fall and spring seasons, each club is allowed to submit and is limited to two U9 and two U10 teams for league play.  Additionally clubs may submit and are limited to two U11 teams for the Fall Season.  Subsequent seasons are structured seasons.  There fore clubs wishing to enter teams beginning in the spring for U11 through U14 will be placed on the wait list.

Motion was second by Damascus Soccer Club. 

Vote was taken – motion passed.



Motion to adjourn was second by Debi Honaker.

Meeting adjourned at 8:32 PM